Friday, January 25, 2008
Thursday, January 24, 2008
just kidding.
according to Phil it's
As you may have noticed, our message boards and our online magazine are both temporarily unavailable due to server issues. Please bear with us, we are working on getting these sites back online even as we speak. Thank you,
Meanwhile, we have exciting news: Jon Foreman's Winter EP has peaked at #9 on iTunes' Top Albums chart, and #2 in the "Rock" category. The rousing reception of this EP propelled Fall EP to #10 in the "Rock" category, too.
that sucks bad. thanks for telling us Phil, or I'd be going crazy by now. I thought it was my internet server that was the problem.
I hope you people, the team that makes the boards so awesome, will be able to fix this ASAP. good luck!
oh and Rehanna won an Oh!Gravity cd today! whooooooooot.
she requested for Awakening, as did I, yesterday, her today, so that's twice, not counting the times I've called Flyfm's Night Flight to request for Awakening or Oh!Gravity, so uh......yeah.
they didn't play it. *expected*
It'll be a day like this one,
when they play an O!G song,
on the radio mayyyyyybe a LTB song,
I am discontented,
with the raa-ay-ay-di-O
is there any other song to sing besides these blues?
It'll be a day like this one,
when the world caves in, when the world caves in,
when the world caves in.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
check this out. I got it from here.
jonathan foreman
posted 18 September 2004 8:59PM
Kuala Lumpur
Ok so here's the update,
we're on a layover in between a 12 hour flight and a 6 hour flight. I haven't slept since we
took off. Had an incredible time, though, listening to music and trying to track vocals
(quietly), in the middle seat. Hope of the States is a great band. We recently got their CD in
London- great songs, especially if you're into the doves and the like... Saw Blink at the
airport in London and felt a little jealous: they’re flying home tomorrow for three weeks.
Three weeks!!
And I got to thinking, I DO look forward to holing up this winter and making a record, but
until then we have so many things to be thankful about. I’m itching to try out some new things
on this next tour, can’t wait to watch the honorary title and the format every night. And so the
domino days continue through Australia! I’m really excited to get to Oz. Can’t wait actually.
Anyhow, Malaysia looked incredible flying in: the mist hanging between the overgrown peaks
stretching out fingers towards the sunrise. Strangely enough, one of the flight attendants for
Malaysia Airlines had our CD. And weirder they played our song on one of the in-flight radio
stations. And the sushi for breakfast was a bit strange too.
Peace and love to all and be on the lookout for a Christmas song called Old Borego,
1. Jon was in Malaysia???????? wow.
2. He was flying on Malaysia Airlines???????? double wow.
3. one of the flight attendants had a Switchfoot cd???? triple wow. I'm as surprised as you, Jon.
4. A Switchfoot song on a radio station is crazy rare. on an in-flight radio station? super rare.
5. Malaysia looked incredible flying in: the mist hanging between the overgrown peaks stretching out
fingers towards the sunrise. Beautiful. just beautiful. I never did picture Malaysia like that.
anyway, that was preeeeetty awesome.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
I'm going to the concert
I'm going to the concert
*does the happy dance*
got em tickets right here!

bus tickets too!!
[tickets not with me. no picture available]
and I'm going with Nat,Rehanna and my sis. oooooooooooooooo this is going to be AWESOME, CRUMBALIEVABLE, THE JAM, SPECIAL, RIDICULOUS, FANTASTIC and BEAUTIFUL *sobs* *note: happy sobs*
kinda late. more tomorrow!
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
The first day of school.
I've been looking forward to this day the whole of last year.
No, I'm being serious.
You: Seriously???!??!
Me: Yes, seriously.
You: Reallly????!!??
Me: Yes, really.
You: Oh Ehm Gee! Like for real?
Me: No, I'm being sarcastic.
You: oh.
or you could've have been going ' whatever'.
most likely that.
Highlight of my day.
Mucking around when we were supposed to be 'gotong-royong'ing. Apparently there was nothing to clean up ( except for the trees, the plants and a couple of leaves. maybe we should have picked them up ) so the prefects just told us to go back to our classes. After climbing 3 flights of stairs I finally reached my class. Oh the Pain! Oh the Time that I took to get up to my class.
and after thinking there was something wrong with my class schedule (there were nine periods on friday instead of the usual 8), I found out that it was actually correct.
Hear Ye Hear Ye *trumpets playing the Da. Da. Da. Da. song*
Students of SGGS now have to stay back till 2.00pm EVERY STINKIN FRIDAY till the end of our schooling at this school.
all this just to add 2 periods of Moral Ed to our timetables.
So much for TGIF.
Have you noticed that I haven't used a single exclamation mark in this blog post so far? that's like, really unusual of me.
( no, it wasn't me, it was you. 'You: Really?????!!?!'. there you have it.)
This is so freaky it's freaking me out.
~Oh my Lord, to suffer like you do. It would be a lie, to runaway~
-The Cure For Pain- Jon Foreman
So I've decided to bear up with my problems. After all, if Jesus could suffer a death so painful, and not complain (except for the part where he said 'O my Lord why did you forsake me'. I don't know whether that's counted as complaining........... probably isn't.), then I could bear up with these few problems without complaining. Okay, I will complain. But I won't complain THAT much. ;)
and I did it!!!!! I just typed out an entire post without using any exclamation marks!!!!!!!!
oh, no. I just ruined it.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
new blog!
a new blog, by yours sincerely.... basically the same stuff i post here but more random, maybe, i dunno. anyway, this new blog is mostly for my friendster mates so uh, yeah.
and note, the address is switchfooty. :D